
Minnesota Update #2

March 9, 2004


Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the large email this time out; I thought I’d send along a few pictures to give you an idea of where I’m staying, etc. If your mailbox is full, then it might be best to delete some of those old emails with attachments *cough* DaveBoyle *cough*

I can’t believe I’ve already been here close to 3 weeks. Time is flying by indeed.

I have settled in comfortably into my new “home”. What does it look like, you ask? Well. Let me show you quickly:




This is Andrew’s house. The little red door you see there is the entrance to my room. As you can see, the snow is starting to melt. It had made a fair attempt last week, but we got a new batch this weekend and so the process had to start all over again.


This here is my little corner of the world. Already, it’s quite messy. The brown paper bags keep all my non-refrigerated foods, because, hey; you never know when you’ll want to crack open a box of KD.


Almost-reverse-angle. All that is nerd.


This is the living room. As I’ve been telling people when they ask about my living quarters – I’d be very lucky if my first apartment were this nice. Hardwood floors, comfortable leather couches. Andrew certainly has style – there’s no question about it.  The door on the left side leads to my room. They let me out of my room to roam around when no one’s home J


Big TV. Big sound. Below the TV you will see the Tivo. “Maa. Tivo”.




Kitchen contd.


NOTE: The kitchen pictures are here to ensure my mother that there are plenty of resources to cook myself something other than Kraft. (I have only eaten 3 boxes since being here, mom).


And just a few other random pictures for you:


Sarah and I. If you didn’t know that, let me know and I’ll remove you from this mailing list J


Possibly the worst parking job ever. I wish I could have seen the driver.


A shot from the balcony looking down at the stage of the Upper Room service (more below).



When I came to MN in January, Andrew (the guy I’m staying with) put me in touch with Kurt. Kurt is responsible for an evening worship service ever Sunday night at Christ Presbyterian Church about 5 minutes from where I am.  This service has about 4 full-time staff alone and are in the process of looking for a “Production Director” to fill the shoes of the individual who had to leave suddenly.

Since being here, I talked to a guy on their search committee about the position. He had seen some of my work and said he really liked it – that I had a very similar style to the guy who used to work at Upper Room.

On Sunday, the position was announced and made available to anyone interested. The applications will be received until March 21 at which time they will begin conducting interviews.

I have a really good shot at this and it makes me really excited. Not because it’s a job, but because it’s something I love to do (with the added bonus of being a part of a great ministry)! Again, I’m faced with the very difficult disadvantage of being a Canadian citizen; it would be a much simpler process to hire someone locally. I’m hoping that they’d be willing to give me the extra chance as I would work through the paperwork.

Please pray for me and this position. I hate putting all my eggs in one basket, but it’s hard to think of any other type of job when this type of work is a possibility – it’s something I absolutely love to do!

So, that’s it for now. Thanks to all those who have sent me little notes asking me how things are.  I’m missing everyone back home, but am loving this adventure!

Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.
