Minnesota Update #1
February 21, 2004
Hey Everyone!
For anyone interested, here’s a brief update of what’s going on.
My travel into the US was less than smooth. After talking to a gruff, disgruntled customs agent, I was then forwarded on for further questioning.
While friendly, Agent Perez was quite unbelieving of my story. “What are you going to do for three months? You can’t just be sitting around?” I assured him that I was there to visit with my friends (which, of course, is true). He tried to call my bluff multiple times by saying “You’re going to be looking for work, aren’t you? What else could you be doing?” Had I been ‘thinking’ I probably would have said something I’d later regret. Fortunately, however, I was not in control of our conversation and fully believe it was the direct result of everyone’s prayers. My brain was on auto-pilot and I continually remained true to my story.
He then wanted proof that I was indeed coming back. I showed him my paperwork as well as the letter written by Robert (which was an incredibly important piece – Jen and Jo: Please thank your dad for me!). Perez then insisted on seeing my money; my traveller’s cheques. “If you don’t have any money, you’re not going in,” he stated. I showed him my cash (thanks, Dave, for waiting with me at BCCA) and that seemed to silence him. He pecked away at his keyboard and finally stamped my form. Only a grueling 45 minutes.
Now I’m here. Just this evening Sarah and I have had the opportunity to unpack my belongings. For the most part, the room is ready to go, save for a missing set of drawers and a desk from upstairs. The guys are great and a lot of fun. Just now they found their friend sleeping on the couch after watching a movie. Instead of waking him right away, they changed channels to some “late night television” and promptly woke him up with “What are you watching man??!?” They’ve been very accommodating and welcoming even though I’ve only really talked to them as of 2 hours ago.
For the next few days I will be helping them with a few worship concerts they’re coordinating. This will include both late-nights and early morning setups/tear-downs. On Tuesday, I will be joining them on a road trip which takes us to a city 4 hours away. The problem is, we have to be there at 7:30am. You do the math. J
Being back with Sarah had been wonderful. This is the start of something great, but I’m still really nervous (because I have no idea what that something will be). I can’t complain though, because I have an incredible woman by my side not to mention terrific friends and a wonderful family back home.
Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement in the last few weeks. It’s meant the world to me and has been the most important aspect of this transition. I am so very blessed.
I’m going to send this email now. My laptop has picked up on some wireless internet, but it’s probably down the street somewhere because it keeps cutting in and out.
My Love and Thanks,